Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Chinese Oral

Dear Parents,

Oral booklet was given out on Monday. Please revise it at home and bring it to school everyday. Today we did Picture (4) together in class. I told them to copy what to say in their special square book. I only have 2 periods with them so not enough time to check everybody's book. I'll type out what I wrote in class and maybe you can help me check while going through with them. Thanks thanks! :D

Picture (4):
1. 这是一个公园。
2. 公园里有花草树木,真美丽!
3. 两个小女生在跑步。
4. 老师带同学们到公园里画画。
5. 一位老公公带了一个小的收音机。他坐在椅子上听音乐。
6. 两位老公公在散步。
7. 一位叔叔在做早操。
8. 公园里的空气清新,大家都喜欢去公园。

Some pointers for oral:
1. Always start telling/ stating the place.
2. General statement eg: 公园里有很多人 , 家里有爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和弟弟。
3. Conclusion is not a must but if he can say a simple sentence to conclude will be good too.

Have a good time practising with them! Let me know if you have any doubt. :D

Best regards,
Ms Yeo

1 comment:

  1. Dear Teachers, Parents & Students,

    Arrange some children Chinese folk songs could be an idea. Learning language through music is not a new idea anymore,but not many people adopt,or tend to forget it. Initially select some Chinese song that your students like(doesn't have to be folk song,but only recommended);after realising some improvement of them,let them write their own Chinese lyrics(can even be only 5 sentences) by adopting songs/tunes that they like.
    By introducing children song, students can be guided through background/theme imagination before they really sing it - it is more or less like a story telling. Later on, let them listen to the song(songs that have English/Chinese version are better); they can even involve in rhythmic clapping. After having some ideas/background of certain songs,they can learn to have body movement while singing the song which is set as a guidance to improve their Chinese word recognition while singing.

    - 一闪一闪亮晶晶
    - 世界小小小
    - 小小羊儿要回家
    - 我的家庭
    - 妈妈的眼睛
    - 三轮车
    - 掀起你的盖头来
    - 椰树长得高又高

    - 小城故事
    - 草原之夜
    - 三月里的小雨
    - 。。。。。
    - 。。。。。
    - 轻松,带有快节奏和带有故事的老歌会是很好的教材(opinion & recommendation only)。。。



    Happy Learning :)
    From someone who cares about Chinese learning Mandarin...
