Wednesday, 8 April 2009

1平安 - 讲华语运动

Dear Parents,
I will be starting this Speak Mandarin Campaign for our class. Please speak mandarin to your child at home. He must speak at least 5 sentences then you can sign in one of the boxes in the 讲华语卡片. Max. 2 boxes a day. Please help to encourage your child to speak Mandarin. Language is more of environment than studying. 他们加油!你也加油!:D


  1. I doubt 5 sentences is enough each day, why don't speak more and not specified to certain sentences. Since 'language is more of environment',just speak whatever topic they like (only if parents they themselves can speak well)

  2. Hi! 5 sentences is indeed not enough but I set a general requirement for 5 sentences as I think it's a good way to kick start this "campaign". You are right! Language is about environment so I enouraged them to say simple sentences like "have you eaten?" to "ni chi bao le ma?".
    You can set your own requirements to suit your child. Douglas' dad did that too. It's ok. : ) Mine is just a general guideline.

    Thank you for supporting our "campaign"! : )
    Yang lao shi

  3. 只觉得不要把自己看成是‘洋人’的心态来学习华语。大家还不是华人吗?小孩子也是生活在华人居多的土地上,为什么会把学习华语演变成这样?
