Dear parents,
Please take note that:
1) I will be giving this week's spelling on 5 May (Tuesday).
2) I will test all the boys on their oral skills on Monday. Please revise with them again.
3) The spelling list for examination is used for Listening Comprehension. Only 10 words will be used.
4) The trial paper that will be given on Monday is to familiarise the boys with the format of the exam paper. The content from the paper is not tested as different programme and learning resources were used.
5) Please remind the boys that for SA1, they have to give their answers in present tense for open-ended comprehension as used in Term 1 Booklet.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
There is EL spelling on Thursday (30 April 2009). Please bring spelling book on Thursday.
Please bring class library storybooks for exchange. Please help to find if there are any extra storybooks from our class library. They are indicated by the pink label on the top right hand corner of the book. Thanks!
The boys did not bring their learning booklets back so I will remind them to bring it home for you tomorrow for your signature.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Message from Mrs. Ang
1) Next week: Test
Please study ordinal numbers
2) Website:
Bring colouring worksheet on Monday.
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Things to take note
1) Please sign the SA1 Spelling list.
2) Please complete the P1 Registration survey form. A Nil return is required.
3) There is an EL homework today. It is Writing Practice 1 for SA1. He needs to complete it on the other side of the page. He needs to submit it on Thursday. We've already completed a class writing based on the same compo pictures.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
EL Exam matters
Dear parents,
I would like to bring this to your attention. I've given out a letter regarding the EL examination such as the marking scheme for Oral and Composition writing. Enclosed is the sample Composition and Oral examination paper for your reference. Please go through with them. Please remind your child to use present or present continuous tense for their Picture Discussion and use past tense for their Composition.
Today, I've modelled the bad and good example of reading and we've discussed what to say for the Picture Discussion. Please get them to be the little teacher and display the good way of reading and holding a discussion about the picture.
The following phrases below are the sentence stems for them to start their discussion. I taught them to have a clear sequence in describing the picture. Generally, I taught them to follow this sequence left - middle - right. It will be clear for them. Also, please remind your child to wait, greet the examiner and introduce himself (name and register number) before starting.
1) This picture shows a ... (to start the discussion)
2) I can see...
3) I think/feel that...
4) I like/do not like (usually what he feels about the whole scene at the end of the discussion)
Please take note that at the end of the Picture Discussion, it is always good practice to express their feelings about the picture and share their experiences. As they grow older, the PSLE requirement is for them to give good explanations to support their interpretations with a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and correct sentence structures. A bonus would be for them to express their feelings/opinions and give a summary of the picture given. So i feel that it is good to start early.
Most importantly, have fun spending quality time with your child while he learns and once English Language is learnt in a non-threatening environment, he will love and appreciate not just English Language but all other subjects.
Oops! Quite a huge chunk of information! Hope it helps though (;
Have a blessed mid-week!
I would like to bring this to your attention. I've given out a letter regarding the EL examination such as the marking scheme for Oral and Composition writing. Enclosed is the sample Composition and Oral examination paper for your reference. Please go through with them. Please remind your child to use present or present continuous tense for their Picture Discussion and use past tense for their Composition.
Today, I've modelled the bad and good example of reading and we've discussed what to say for the Picture Discussion. Please get them to be the little teacher and display the good way of reading and holding a discussion about the picture.
The following phrases below are the sentence stems for them to start their discussion. I taught them to have a clear sequence in describing the picture. Generally, I taught them to follow this sequence left - middle - right. It will be clear for them. Also, please remind your child to wait, greet the examiner and introduce himself (name and register number) before starting.
1) This picture shows a ... (to start the discussion)
2) I can see...
3) I think/feel that...
4) I like/do not like (usually what he feels about the whole scene at the end of the discussion)
Please take note that at the end of the Picture Discussion, it is always good practice to express their feelings about the picture and share their experiences. As they grow older, the PSLE requirement is for them to give good explanations to support their interpretations with a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and correct sentence structures. A bonus would be for them to express their feelings/opinions and give a summary of the picture given. So i feel that it is good to start early.
Most importantly, have fun spending quality time with your child while he learns and once English Language is learnt in a non-threatening environment, he will love and appreciate not just English Language but all other subjects.
Oops! Quite a huge chunk of information! Hope it helps though (;
Have a blessed mid-week!
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Things to do
1) There is Chinese homework.
2) Pls bring the class library book tomorrow for exchange.
2) Pls bring the class library book tomorrow for exchange.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Important dates for us!
Going to be busy months ahead!
Impt dates:
13 April - Boys will be given an hour recess due to Easter Day
14 April - Boys will attend a special assembly from 735 - 835am but timetable remains the same
17 April - International Friendship Day: There will be special assembly n quizzes from 735 - 835
21 April - Earth Day: Special assembly and activities from 930 - 135
24 April - Learning Journey @ Botanic Gardens
4-5 May - P1 Oral
6 May - EL Composition paper
13 May - EL main paper and Listening Comprehension
14 May - Math paper
15 May - CL paper and Listening Comprehension
Impt dates:
13 April - Boys will be given an hour recess due to Easter Day
14 April - Boys will attend a special assembly from 735 - 835am but timetable remains the same
17 April - International Friendship Day: There will be special assembly n quizzes from 735 - 835
21 April - Earth Day: Special assembly and activities from 930 - 135
24 April - Learning Journey @ Botanic Gardens
4-5 May - P1 Oral
6 May - EL Composition paper
13 May - EL main paper and Listening Comprehension
14 May - Math paper
15 May - CL paper and Listening Comprehension
Things to do for the weekend
1) ATM pg. 122. Please revise the concept of Addition and Subtraction.
2) Please get your child to complete pg. 20 for EL Learning booklet. Also, they should complete all their corrections. Please sign on pg. 25
3) A gentle reminder for parents who have not given $6.50 for the Character Heroes activity book yet. Please give to me on Monday. I need to purchase the books asap for the next Health Ed lesson.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
EL Oral
I will be giving out a sample oral practice, composition and its marking schemes to you next week. It will include a sample reading passage, a sample picture for discussion, a composition practice paper and the marking schemes. I will go through with the boys on what to say and write.
Watch this space! ;)
EL Learning Journey @ Botanic Gardens
There will be an EL Learning Journey for our children in 2 weeks' time which is on 24 April (Friday). The objective of it is to plan a picnic and write about it after the outing (experiential learning). It will be held at the Botanic Gardens. I need 5 parent volunteers to help us out as we have 5 groups in our class. If interested, please contact me via email or sms.
Hope to hear from you soon! (:
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Dear parents,
Please be reminded that there will be no school on Friday. Also, there will be spelling tomorrow for unit 10.
1平安 - 讲华语运动

Dear Parents,
I will be starting this Speak Mandarin Campaign for our class. Please speak mandarin to your child at home. He must speak at least 5 sentences then you can sign in one of the boxes in the 讲华语卡片. Max. 2 boxes a day. Please help to encourage your child to speak Mandarin. Language is more of environment than studying. 他们加油!你也加油!:D
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Chinese Oral
Dear Parents,
Oral booklet was given out on Monday. Please revise it at home and bring it to school everyday. Today we did Picture (4) together in class. I told them to copy what to say in their special square book. I only have 2 periods with them so not enough time to check everybody's book. I'll type out what I wrote in class and maybe you can help me check while going through with them. Thanks thanks! :D
Picture (4):
1. 这是一个公园。
2. 公园里有花草树木,真美丽!
3. 两个小女生在跑步。
4. 老师带同学们到公园里画画。
5. 一位老公公带了一个小的收音机。他坐在椅子上听音乐。
6. 两位老公公在散步。
7. 一位叔叔在做早操。
8. 公园里的空气清新,大家都喜欢去公园。
Some pointers for oral:
1. Always start telling/ stating the place.
2. General statement eg: 公园里有很多人 , 家里有爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和弟弟。
3. Conclusion is not a must but if he can say a simple sentence to conclude will be good too.
Have a good time practising with them! Let me know if you have any doubt. :D
Best regards,
Ms Yeo
Oral booklet was given out on Monday. Please revise it at home and bring it to school everyday. Today we did Picture (4) together in class. I told them to copy what to say in their special square book. I only have 2 periods with them so not enough time to check everybody's book. I'll type out what I wrote in class and maybe you can help me check while going through with them. Thanks thanks! :D
Picture (4):
1. 这是一个公园。
2. 公园里有花草树木,真美丽!
3. 两个小女生在跑步。
4. 老师带同学们到公园里画画。
5. 一位老公公带了一个小的收音机。他坐在椅子上听音乐。
6. 两位老公公在散步。
7. 一位叔叔在做早操。
8. 公园里的空气清新,大家都喜欢去公园。
Some pointers for oral:
1. Always start telling/ stating the place.
2. General statement eg: 公园里有很多人 , 家里有爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和弟弟。
3. Conclusion is not a must but if he can say a simple sentence to conclude will be good too.
Have a good time practising with them! Let me know if you have any doubt. :D
Best regards,
Ms Yeo
Thursday, 2 April 2009
2 April 2009 Thursday
Things to take note:
1) The examination timetable is given out.
2) There is EL homework. It is to write a journal entry on how his chosen sandwich is made.
The following is the structure:
Last night, I was hungry. I made a sandwich. These are the steps:
1. Get 2 slices of bread.
2. Use a plastic knife to spread the butter on one side of the slice of bread each.
3. Place the lettuce on one side of the slice of bread.
4. Place the ham and cheese on the other.
5. Cover it with the other side.
6. Cut it into 4 equal parts.
It was yummy!
p.s. He can choose any type of sandwich to write about. The ingredients have to change accordingly.
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