Wednesday, 11 February 2009

English AMODES

Dear parents,

Please take note that the boys will be practising their Show and Tell tomorrow and if time permits, Friday as well. Please remind your child to bring along his picture(s) or/and toys for the practice. It'll be good for him to be prepared, confident, loud and clear. He will need to memorise his speech if he wants to do well. Also, making eye contact is important. 

One component from the rubrics that I wish to highlight is the Vocabulary. In order to do well in that catergory, he needs to introduce challenging words into his speech and explain the meaning of the word to the rest of the class. For example, the word 'responsible' is introduced, he will need to explain the meaning by giving examples of being responsible.

Please practice with your child the Show and Tell and the reading of the poem 'Farmer Brown' over the weekend. Please familiarise them with the material so that they will be fluent and confident.

I will set aside Monday and Tuesday for the Show and Tell and the reading of the poem respectively.

Thanks for your cooperation and I look forward to their presentation!

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